Beverly Utley’s New Book ‘Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure’ Follows the Tale of 2 Brothers Who Find a Friendly Dragon and Unexpected Adventures While in the Park

Beverly Utley’s New Book ‘Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure’ Follows the Tale of 2 Brothers Who Find a Friendly Dragon and Unexpected Adventures While in the Park

LOS ANGELES – September 26, 2022 – (

Fulton Books author Beverly Utley, an entrepreneur who currently runs a real estate business and worked for over 27 years as an educator and administrator with the Los Angeles Unified School District, has completed her most recent book “Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure”: a thrilling story centered around two brothers who are whisked away on an exciting journey to help save a secret society of friendly dragons.

“Are you ready for an adventure?” Utley writes. “So was Titus and Chase when it suddenly appeared to them in unexpected ways and brought with it friendships and life lessons all while they were eating lunch in the park. Hang on to your hat everyone, and let your imagination soar as you take a dragon ride with these brothers high in the sky to Dragonville!”

Published by Fulton Books, Beverly Utley’s book is a captivating and imaginative adventure that is sure to keep young readers engaged as they follow along with Titus and Chase and their new dragon friends. Full of vibrant artwork and beautiful friendships, “Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure” is sure to be a tale that readers of all ages will want to revisit again and again.

Readers who wish to experience this delightful work can purchase “Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure” at select bookstores, or online at the Apple iTunes Store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Beverly Utley’s New Book ‘Titus and Chase: Dragonville Adventure’ Follows the Tale of 2 Brothers Who Find a Friendly Dragon and Unexpected Adventures While in the Park

Author Jason Sissung’s New Book, ‘Volhara,’ Follows a Powerful Protagonist as She Attempts to Outsmart the Enemy and Overcome Her Worst Fears

Author Jason Sissung’s New Book, ‘Volhara,’ Follows a Powerful Protagonist as She Attempts to Outsmart the Enemy and Overcome Her Worst FearsRecent release “Volhara” by Newman Springs Publishing author Jason Sissung is a thrilling fantasy novel that introduces Volhara, who is the best of the best. The captivating story follows her journey as she deals with events outside her control.

RIVERSIDE, Calif. – September 26, 2022 – (

Jason Sissung, who grew up in San Diego, California, has completed his new book, “Volhara”: an exciting and engrossing fantasy novel about Volhara, who can make split decisions to better herself in almost any situation. She has physical and mental prowess beyond anything that can be achieved. 

Jason retired from military service to become an instructor and then an engineer. He has been an avid video gamer since childhood. His favorite genres are fantasy and horror. Video gaming has inspired his fantasy writing. 

The author takes readers into the world of his story, writing, “Moonglade is the third-largest city in Aghram with all dwellings built among the trees. Unless someone knew where to look, they would never find the city, cleverly camouflaged. They were built high up because they believed they were closer to the gods, the revered gods of light. The favored elves became warriors of the light, defending the realm from all that is evil. Moonglade is ruled by the magister, Ariyanna. Instructor Yunari aided Ariyanna when she could after lessons to the warrior candidates.”

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, Jason Sissung’s spellbinding tale invites readers to discover whether Volhara will be strong enough to overcome adversity in her surroundings and herself. 

Readers who wish to experience this imaginative work can purchase “Volhara” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iBooks Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Newman Springs Publishing at 732-243-8512.

About Newman Springs Publishing: 

Newman Springs Publishing is a full-service publishing house for serious authors. Each title produced by Newman Springs Publishing undergoes every step of the professional publishing process, including editing, layout, cover design, circulation, distribution, and publicity. All titles are made available in both eBook and print formats. Newman Springs Publishing distributes to tens of thousands of retail outlets throughout North America and internationally. All manuscripts in any genre are welcome to be submitted for review; If the manuscript meets the necessary criteria and is accepted for publication, Newman Springs Publishing will work closely with the author to bring the book to the retail market for a relatively inexpensive initial investment.

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Author Jason Sissung’s New Book, ‘Volhara,’ Follows a Powerful Protagonist as She Attempts to Outsmart the Enemy and Overcome Her Worst Fears

Author Anna Lea Cannon’s New Book ‘Isaiah Tree’ Follows the Life of an Olive Tree That Wishes to Remain on Earth Long Enough to Meet the Prophesied Son of God

Author Anna Lea Cannon’s New Book ‘Isaiah Tree’ Follows the Life of an Olive Tree That Wishes to Remain on Earth Long Enough to Meet the Prophesied Son of GodRecent release “Isaiah Tree” from Covenant Books author Anna Lea Cannon is a stirring tale of an olive tree in Jerusalem who hopes to one day meet the man who will somehow save all of mankind. After waiting for what seems like eternity, Isiah Tree is finally visited by this special man but is saddened by the man’s heavy grief at the sacrifice he must soon make.

PROVO, Utah – September 26, 2022 – (

Anna Lea Cannon, an elementary school teacher who especially loves teaching science, has completed her new book, “Isaiah Tree”: a compelling tale following the life cycle of a special olive tree who meets the son of God after an entire lifetime of waiting.

“Isaiah Tree was a young olive tree when Isaiah came to the orchard to write his prophecies about the Prince of Peace and the mighty God who would be born as a tiny baby. Isaiah tree yearned to see this wonderful prince or provide the wood for his cradle,” writes Cannon. “Then one day, almost seven hundred years after Isaiah came, a dove brought a message to Isaiah Tree that a miraculous baby had grown up and was performing amazing miracles. Isaiah Tree’s hope returned. 

“What would compel this mighty God to come to the peaceful Garden of Gethsemane to kneel by this ancient olive tree? Only a miracle of love would bring the Savior to answer the tree’s yearning and bring light to the world.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Anna Lea Cannon’s new book is inspired by the author’s visit to Jerusalem, in which she was moved by the ways in which olive trees regenerate, creating links to one another. This, Cannon felt, was similar to how Jesus brings all of God’s children eternal life, and thus began her journey of writing “Isaiah Tree.”

Readers of all ages will enjoy this incredible story of a young olive tree with a dream, and how it eventually accomplished its goals by meeting Jesus Christ.

Readers can purchase “Isaiah Tree” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

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Author Anna Lea Cannon’s New Book ‘Isaiah Tree’ Follows the Life of an Olive Tree That Wishes to Remain on Earth Long Enough to Meet the Prophesied Son of God

Author Amy Maren Rice’s New Book, ‘Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo’ is a Thrilling Tale of the Odd Occurrences That Befall the Slater Family as They Move Into Their New Home

Author Amy Maren Rice’s New Book, ‘Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo’ is a Thrilling Tale of the Odd Occurrences That Befall the Slater Family as They Move Into Their New HomeRecent release “Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo” from Covenant Books author Amy Maren Rice follows Jasper Slater, a young boy who moves into a mysterious new house with his mother and brother following the death of his father. As things begin to go missing and other strange incidents occur, Jasper begins to believe the family is not alone in their house, leading to an incredible adventure.

EAGLE, Idaho – September 26, 2022 – (

Amy Maren Rice, who holds a lifelong love of crafting stories, has completed her new book, “Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo”: a fascinating story centered around the Slater family and the supernatural adventures they discover within their new house.

“Twelve-year-old Jasper Slater’s life has been turned upside down,” writes Rice. “It all started with his father’s plane crash. No survivors.

“Now his mom is forcing their entire family to move to the middle of nowhere with his crazy Aunt Delilah.

“He barely survived the car ride there with his annoying little brother Milo bombarding him with scientific facts and trivia about every state they traveled through. He couldn’t wait to be rid of him. At least he’d get his own room if the place was as big as he had been told.

“The day they arrived at their new home, a haunted-looking mansion at the top of a desolate Idaho mountain, they discover their aunt is gone. If that isn’t bad enough, Jasper starts to think their family isn’t alone in the giant mansion. When he wakes to find his things missing, he knows something odd is going on.”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Amy Maren Rice’s new book will find Jasper going up against the Fuzzwiggs, who have been sent to Earth for an extremely important mission. As the antics of the Fuzzwiggs grows out of hand, Jasper is the only one who can set things right and save the day. 

Readers can purchase “Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Covenant books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.   

Contact Information:

Covenant Books Media Department

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Author Amy Maren Rice’s New Book, ‘Fuzzwiggs: The Switcheroo’ is a Thrilling Tale of the Odd Occurrences That Befall the Slater Family as They Move Into Their New Home

Kat Pettibone’s New Book ‘The Sun Will Shine Again’ is a Thought-Provoking Guide to Help All Readers to Learn and Grow From the Hardships They Face in Life

Kat Pettibone’s New Book ‘The Sun Will Shine Again’ is a Thought-Provoking Guide to Help All Readers to Learn and Grow From the Hardships They Face in Life

NARRAGANSETT, R.I. – September 26, 2022 – (

Fulton Books author Kat Pettibone, a psychology student who recently transferred to the University of Rhode Island, has completed her most recent book “The Sun Will Shine Again”: a thoughtful and eye-opening book to help readers overcome adversities in life. 

Author Kat Pettibone introduces herself and her book, writing, “Hi, my name is Kat. I am twenty-two years old and a college student majoring in psychology. I don’t even know where to begin. My random series of life events sent me through a downward spiral, beginning from the time I was sixteen. I have had many encounters of hardships through this short span of time mentally and was unable to resolve the issues at hand as they were coming upon me.”

Published by Fulton Books, Kat Pettibone’s book is uplifting and inspired by the author’s own hardships. Pettibone stresses the importance of recognizing mistakes or bad events from one’s life to help them grow and move past the challenging times.

“This book is meant to be thought I have had and self-realizations I have made that I hope can help inspire others to change their lives to go in a more positive direction,” writes Pettibone. “They are essays and poems that I wrote that helped me realize that if I never went through those hardships, I would not be as aware of who I am and what directions I was going in. I have no regrets. Everything that has happened has gotten me to the place I am now. Same for you.”

Readers who wish to experience this inspiring work can purchase “The Sun Will Shine Again” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes & Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Kat Pettibone’s New Book ‘The Sun Will Shine Again’ is a Thought-Provoking Guide to Help All Readers to Learn and Grow From the Hardships They Face in Life

Author Willie Turner’s New Book, ‘Fear: An American History,’ Reveals the Ways in Which History Has Been Altered and Whitewashed and Aims to Teach an Unbiased History

Author Willie Turner’s New Book, ‘Fear: An American History,’ Reveals the Ways in Which History Has Been Altered and Whitewashed and Aims to Teach an Unbiased HistoryRecent release “Fear: An American History: False Education Accepted as Reality” from Newman Springs Publishing author Willie Turner is a thought-provoking examination of the ways in which history has been rewritten and taught in schools. Through his brilliant writing, Turner exposes secrets that have been covered up by the whitewashing of history and how division has been used to enslave people.

SANDSTON, Va. – September 26, 2022 – (

Willie Turner, who holds a degree in history, has completed his new book “Fear: An American History: False Education Accepted as Reality”: a poignant and eye-opening deep dive into the ways in which history has been twisted to fit a specific narrative, and how this false history can be unlearned despite its invading the public-school systems of America.

“I’m writing this book to educate children being taught a history that’s more legend than fact. A history that has been rewritten by people who don’t know their origins or just don’t want to know,” writes Turner.

He continues, “I found out that dating back to the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth centuries, Anglo-European authors of the world began whitewashing or covering-up the history of the Black people of the world. I have written this book in an unbiased way. I have tried to correct the many injustices that have been written regarding our history by thousands of biased Anglo-Saxon (White people) writers. I refused to use terms established during the seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth centuries by writers that took upon themselves to rewrite history in their image.

“The whitewashing of history has been a practice used by the Anglo-Saxons to strengthen themselves throughout history and to discredit the accomplishments made by the African people and their societies. It is the weak and threatened people that tried to change the true history of the world. There is only one history, and that is the true history of the human race, their origin and their accomplishments. They have tried to change, cover up, and erase history. They think that they can hide the past, but you cannot hide the truth. History is what it is: our past. The more we know, the better this world would be.”

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, Willie Turner’s stunning exploration of the historical truths behind America and slavery exposes how those in control of teaching about the past have changed it to better control the minds of society. Honest and unbiased, Turner shares truths often hidden within the historical narrative of America and how religion has always been the cornerstone for slavery.

Readers who wish to experience this potent work can purchase “Fear: An American History: False Education Accepted as Reality” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iBooks Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Newman Springs Publishing at 732-243-8512.

About Newman Springs Publishing: 

Newman Springs Publishing is a full-service publishing house for serious authors. Each title produced by Newman Springs Publishing undergoes every step of the professional publishing process, including editing, layout, cover design, circulation, distribution, and publicity. All titles are made available in both eBook and print formats. Newman Springs Publishing distributes to tens of thousands of retail outlets throughout North America and internationally. All manuscripts in any genre are welcome to be submitted for review; If the manuscript meets the necessary criteria and is accepted for publication, Newman Springs Publishing will work closely with the author to bring the book to the retail market for a relatively inexpensive initial investment.

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Media Relations

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Author Willie Turner’s New Book, ‘Fear: An American History,’ Reveals the Ways in Which History Has Been Altered and Whitewashed and Aims to Teach an Unbiased History

Authors Angel and Samantha’s New Book, ‘Little Girl Lost,’ Explores the Themes of Regret and Wondering ‘What If’ as It Follows One Woman as She Looks Back on Her Life

Authors Angel and Samantha’s New Book, ‘Little Girl Lost,’ Explores the Themes of Regret and Wondering ‘What If’ as It Follows One Woman as She Looks Back on Her LifeRecent release “Little Girl Lost” from Newman Springs Publishing authors Angel and Samantha is a fascinating tale that centers around Sara, who finds herself looking back and contemplating what could have been if her life had been slightly different. As her son’s wedding approaches, Sara must find the strength to power through as thoughts of regret and longing swirl around in her head.

NEW YORK – September 26, 2022 – (

Angel and Samantha have completed their new book, “Little Girl Lost”: a gripping and powerful tale that focuses on the ways in which small decisions impact the outcome of one’s life forever and how people often wonder what their lives might’ve been like if one event or decision had been altered.

“‘Little Girl Lost’ is about Sara, the main character, looking back into her past on her son’s wedding day, wondering, if her life were different, would it still turn out the same?” writes Angel and Samantha. “As she looks back, we get to know the struggles that Sara went through, all leading up to this incredibly special day.”

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, Angel and Samantha’s character-driven drama is a beautifully paced series of recollections that explore the common feelings of regret and curiosity many people feel about the trajectory of their lives. As Sara’s past is slowly revealed, readers will find themselves on the edge of their seats, desperate to know more and discover what exactly has led Sara to this point in her life.

Readers who wish to experience this riveting work can purchase “Little Girl Lost” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iBooks Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Newman Springs Publishing at 732-243-8512.

About Newman Springs Publishing: 

Newman Springs Publishing is a full-service publishing house for serious authors. Each title produced by Newman Springs Publishing undergoes every step of the professional publishing process, including editing, layout, cover design, circulation, distribution, and publicity. All titles are made available in both eBook and print formats. Newman Springs Publishing distributes to tens of thousands of retail outlets throughout North America and internationally. All manuscripts in any genre are welcome to be submitted for review; If the manuscript meets the necessary criteria and is accepted for publication, Newman Springs Publishing will work closely with the author to bring the book to the retail market for a relatively inexpensive initial investment.

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Authors Angel and Samantha’s New Book, ‘Little Girl Lost,’ Explores the Themes of Regret and Wondering ‘What If’ as It Follows One Woman as She Looks Back on Her Life

Terry Stone’s New Book ‘The Dreamer and Renaissance Man: Dialogue With My Father’ is an Engrossing Memoir That Melds Two Perspectives Into One

Terry Stone’s New Book ‘The Dreamer and Renaissance Man: Dialogue With My Father’ is an Engrossing Memoir That Melds Two Perspectives Into One

ALTO, Ga. – September 26, 2022 – (

Fulton Books author Terry Stone, who was born in Charleston, South Carolina, and grew up on James Island, has completed her most recent book “The Dreamer and Renaissance Man: Dialogue with my Father”: a gripping and potent memoir that offers two unique perspectives. 

Terry’s dad wrote an autobiography of his life, primarily because he was a quiet man, viewed as strange or a nonconformist by family and friends, and he wanted to set the record straight on who he was, who he is, what he believes, and the journeys he took along the way to cope with problems and live his life.

Terry’s dad and she had a fraught relationship, similar to the one he had with Terry’s mother. However, his behavior, as she perceived it, was distant and unloving. Through his writing, he invited his daughter to know him, and she did. However, she felt there was more to the story, and as her eyes were opened to the facets of him, she came to better understand how their relationship influenced her development as a person. His story is delightful, and Terry strove to add background and context to the many adventures he had in his life.

Author Terry Stone fell in love with the English language as a child and always enjoyed opportunities to write. After high school, she attended Palmer Business College and then went to work for the U.S. government, where she worked in various positions. 

Like her dad, Terry seemed to reinvent herself along the way throughout her career—starting out as a clerk typist, becoming a department head secretary, then going into management analysis, and finally becoming a computer systems programmer and analyst. She left civil service when her husband retired and spent a few years volunteering, working a short time in retail home sales, and eventually decided to return to college to finish her degree. She persevered part-time and earned a B.A. and M.A. in English. Following that, she and her husband moved from Charleston to Northeast Georgia, where she taught freshman English at Piedmont College, which is now a university. 

Author Terry Stone introduces the memoir, writing, “My relationship with my father was fraught with tension, discord, and unpleasantness. I guess I was a sensitive child, but my dad’s gruff personality was off-putting, and his energy conveyed that I was a nuisance. He lived his real life apart from mine. The only way I could interact with him was in his world, which was in printing black-and-white photos in his darkroom or building a boat in our garage. As I grew up, and after I was out on my own, we connected somewhat. But I had no knowledge of how remarkable his life had been. When he was about 70 years old, he wrote an autobiographical memoir, and it unlocked the door into his extraordinary life. I carried around his manuscript for 30 years, trying to figure out how I could get it published. Finally, I joined a writer’s group, the Cornelia Company of Writers, and this book resulted. I very much want others to get to know this man, who was a dreamer and Renaissance man. I now feel I know his heart, and I love him dearly!”

Published by Fulton Books, Terry Stone’s book invites readers to become absorbed in a man’s life through the entire twentieth century and enjoy reading about his life as much as Terry did.

Readers who wish to experience this one-of-a-kind work can purchase “The Dreamer and Renaissance Man: Dialogue with my Father” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, Google Play, or Barnes and Noble.

Please direct all media inquiries to Author Support via email at [email protected] or via telephone at 877-210-0816.

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Original Source:

Terry Stone’s New Book ‘The Dreamer and Renaissance Man: Dialogue With My Father’ is an Engrossing Memoir That Melds Two Perspectives Into One

Don’t Use Drugs and Ride: Hospitals Treat Thousands of Drug-Related Bike Injuries Each Year

Don’t Use Drugs and Ride: Hospitals Treat Thousands of Drug-Related Bike Injuries Each Year

Don’t Use Drugs and Ride: Hospitals Treat Thousands of Drug-Related Bike Injuries Each Year
Bicycle after crash

Bicycle after crash

PISCATAWAY, N.J. – September 26, 2022 – (

From 2019 to 2020, more than 11,000 people who had been using drugs were treated in U.S. emergency departments for injuries that occurred while riding a bicycle, according to a new report in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs.

“When these patients present to the emergency department, it becomes important not only to treat the injuries but also to refer patients to drug treatment in an effort to intervene and prevent further negative events related to drug use,” says the report’s lead author Bart Hammig, Ph.D., M.P.H., of the Public Health Program at the University of Arkansas.

Further, among these patients, typical injury-prevention measures such as helmet wearing and improved bike lanes may not be enough to reduce these incidents, as it is “unlikely that the person was riding the bike for exercise,” according to the study’s authors.

Such bicyclists may instead be riding because of circumstances related to a substance use disorder, such as homelessness, license revocation from a previous driving-while-intoxicated conviction or financial instability — all of which may limit the ability to drive a car for transportation.

“This is an often overlooked and ignored population when discussing bicycle injuries,” Hammig says, “but one that stakeholders such as emergency department personnel, drug treatment centers and transportation officials need to consider when trying to prevent future injuries.”

According to Hammig and his co-author, Robert Davis, Ph.D., bicycle crash victims who are intoxicated often have more serious injuries than others. In the study, the reported injuries included fractures (22%) and internal organ injuries (19%), and nearly a third of patients had to be admitted to the hospital. Few injuries (1%) were concussions, but 8% of crashes resulted from drug poisonings. Because the data were recorded at the hospital, victims who died at the scene were not included.

A disproportionate percentage of the patients were men (86.4%). The most common drugs found in the system of crash victims were methamphetamine (36.4%), cannabis (30.7%) and opioids (18.5%), and nearly a quarter of patients also had alcohol in their system.

To conduct their research, Hammig and Davis reviewed 2019-2020 data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System, a hospital-based database. Statistics from the system’s nationally representative sample of U.S. hospitals allow for estimation of the number of incidents countrywide. In this study, the researchers extracted all data for bicycle injuries related to the use of psychoactive drugs (independent of alcohol) during the study period. They estimated there were 11,314 such injuries — 2.6% of the overall estimated 480,286 bicycle injuries in that study period.

Hammig and Davis note that, because a variety of circumstances contribute to drug-related bicycle crashes — often overlapping and interacting factors — prevention will be difficult. However, they note that further surveillance, data collection and study will help elucidate additional ways to prevent such injuries.

Contact Information:

Shannon Magsam

Director of Communications

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Don’t Use Drugs and Ride: Hospitals Treat Thousands of Drug-Related Bike Injuries Each Year