Consumers Are Most Worried About Making These Types of Payments in 2023

Consumers Are Most Worried About Making These Types of Payments in 2023

Credello: Consumers always have bills to pay. What some individuals and families are focused on now is wage growth not keeping up with the pace of inflation. Some have taken on more debt in recent years. Others have dipped into savings to keep up with their most crucial bill payments.

Some consumers have taken on loans with collateral, also known as secured loans. Some with better credit have opted for unsecured personal loans, while still others are using credit cards to pay for many of their monthly expenses. 

Whichever way you’re paying your bills, it might interest you to know which payments American consumers are most concerned about as we progress further into 2023.

1. Food

In a recent Fannie Mae National Housing Survey, American consumers mentioned that they were more concerned about paying their food bills than anything else. Many cited the prices of specific food items that have increased recently. 

The grocery store is usually where Americans notice sharp price increases. Because of that, it’s not surprising that many expressed frustration over having to pay more for the same food staples that cost less not that long ago. 

2. Medical Care

Some individuals have healthcare plans through their work. Those that do often still have to pay hefty copays when they seek medical care, though. Those who are self-employed must pay for healthcare plans on their own, and that’s expensive.

The cost of virtually all medical procedures and many medications seem to keep going up. It’s unlikely that will change anytime soon, since America appears in no hurry to implement a universal healthcare system.

3. Gas

Paying more when gassing up the car was another concern for many American consumers. Higher gas prices mean it costs more to drive to and from work. Taking care of various errands costs more as well.

This concern is at least starting to be mitigated by one change in automotive technology. In recent years, more individuals than ever have been driving hybrid cars and electric vehicles. Those that do are finding some relief because they’re paying less for gas, or they’re no longer paying for gas at all in the case of EVs. It seems likely this trend will continue. 

4. Rent and Mortgage Payments

Rent and mortgage payments are additional expenses on American consumers’ minds. Last year, more of them expressed concerns about their possible inability to keep up with the monthly rent on their apartments or mortgage payments for homeowners.

Renters seem disproportionately more worried about payments than homeowners were about mortgage payments. The number of individuals belonging to both groups who feel nervous about future payments is going up, though.

How Can You Pay These Bills?

There are no simple answers to these concerns, but certain actions are possible. Consumers can ask for raises at work. If those are not forthcoming, they can update their resumes and look for better-paying jobs within their fields. They can take on second jobs in some instances. 

They can purchase generic food products at the grocery store, should that be necessary. They can also buy bulk food items, saving themselves money that way. 

The next vehicle they get can be either a hybrid or an electric car. Since more companies keep coming out with hybrid models and EVs, used ones are also becoming available. These are more affordable and attractive options for consumers who can’t afford brand-new vehicles.

There are also unsecured personal loans available from lending entities and secured loans where you put up something valuable as collateral. Credit cards are another way to pay monthly bills. You should avoid that unless it’s necessary, though, due to the high interest rates these cards usually charge.

While rising costs can be frustrating, consumers have options that can help alleviate some of the stress they might be experiencing. 

Contact Information:

Keyonda Goosby

Public Relations Specialist

[email protected]

(201) 633-2125

Carolina d’Arbelles-Valle

[email protected]

+1 305 849 8443

Original Source:

Consumers Are Most Worried About Making These Types of Payments in 2023

Consumers Are Most Worried About Making These Types of Payments in 2023

Shepherd’s Village Invites Single Parents to a Solo Parent Conference

Shepherd’s Village Invites Single Parents to a Solo Parent Conference

As a resource for all single parents, Shepherd’s Village, the Indian Rocks Baptist Church, and their non-profit partner, The JoyFM, are partnering to sponsor and host “What’s Next?” – A Conference for Solo Parents, on Saturday, March 18, from 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. at Indian Rocks Baptist Church. 

Shepherd’s Village understands that flying solo as a single parent is hard, especially when forced into this unexpected season of life. The Solo Parent Conference opens the door for single parents to have a conversation with those who have walked this road before, gaining insight on their journey to find hope and healing. 

The “What’s Next” Conference will cover topics by subject matter experts in the fields of:

  • Co-Parenting
  • Estate Planning
  • Moving Forward in a New Direction
  • Dating Again
  • Life as a Single Dad
  • How to Change Your Mindset
  • Financial Freedom

Registration is required and closes on March 15. 

For more information and to register for this event, please visit our website at We look forward to helping Tampa Bay single parents discover “What’s Next?” so they can face their future with confidence.


Based in Tampa Bay, FL, Shepherd’s Village stands in the gap for single mothers and their children. While we are the only faith-based single-mother housing program in Pinellas County, Florida, we have expanded our free, online offerings so more women across the country can experience healing, safety, and restoration. With the help of our partners, we are able to reach two generations at one time and make an impact that will long outlive us.

There is hope beyond the brokenness and confusion caused by divorce, separation, death, or never having been married. If you know a single mother in need, please direct them to our website for life-changing resources:

Contact Information:

Briana Yates

Project Manager- Marketing

[email protected]


Original Source:

Shepherd’s Village Invites Single Parents to a Solo Parent Conference

Shepherd’s Village Invites Single Parents to a Solo Parent Conference

5 Reasons to Take a Wedding Loan in 2023

5 Reasons to Take a Wedding Loan in 2023

Credello: Planning – and paying for – a wedding is one of the most stressful times for newlyweds, especially if budgets are tight. But there are a few ways to save money without sacrificing the big day, especially if you get proactive about your finances. How? By utilizing personal loans to cover your wedding costs.

Personal loans are popular ways to pay for big milestones like home repairs, weddings, and honeymoons. They’re a great way to get the money you need without having to put up collateral or rely on high-interest credit cards. Here are five reasons why you should consider taking a wedding loan in 2023:

1. You have time to pay back the loan

Unlike other types of loans, wedding and honeymoon loans typically have shorter repayment periods, making them more manageable for people who want to pay them back quickly. Plus, many lenders offer flexible terms that allow you to repay your loan over time, which means you can get the money you need without feeling stressed or taking on extra debt.

2. You’ll have cash on hand

Did you know that, even in 2023, many wedding vendors don’t accept credit cards? It’s true! This is why a personal loan is the better option if you need a little help covering wedding costs. You’ll have access to cash right away, giving you the ability to work with whichever venue or vendor you want and not just the ones who take credit cards.

3. The interest rates are usually low

Interest rates on personal loans are usually lower than those on high-interest credit cards or other types of loans. This means that you’ll pay less in interest over the life of the loan – and you could save a lot of money in the long run.

4. Your interest rate will be locked in

One of the most significant problems of using credit cards to pay for wedding expenses is that your interest rate is based on the market. In 2023 financial experts anticipate the Federal Reserve may raise interest rates even higher to help hold inflation back. If this happens, your interest rate on any credit card debt could skyrocket. 

On the other hand, most personal loans will carry a fixed interest rate, so you’ll never get hit with more debt from market volatility, making it easier to budget for and pay off your debt.

5. There are multiple ways to get a wedding loan

Personal loans aren’t just for people who don’t have good credit. In fact, many lenders are willing to lend to people with solid credit scores and even bad debt histories. This means that you could find a loan that’s perfect for you – no matter your financial situation.

The bottom line

If you’re planning a wedding in 2023 and don’t have the money to cover the costs yourself, consider taking a personal loan. These loans offer many benefits, including short repayment periods, low-interest rates, and the ability to work with the vendors you want, regardless of their payment policies.

Contact Information:

Keyonda Goosby

Public Relations Specialist

[email protected]

(201) 633-2125

Carolina d’Arbelles-Valle

[email protected]

+1 305 849 8443

Original Source:

5 Reasons to Take a Wedding Loan in 2023

5 Reasons to Take a Wedding Loan in 2023