3 major statistics revealed during the Penguin Random House/Simon & Schuster (potential) merger

Books - RSV News originally published at Books - RSV News

3 major statistics revealed during the Penguin Random House/Simon & Schuster (potential) merger

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to discuss the hot topic in our industry’s news…

The Penguin Random House attempt to purchase Simon and Schuster has captured headlines recently. As the Department of Justice attempts to block the merger, big names in the publishing industry like Stephen King have voiced their opinions.

Yet while the traditional publishing industry fights internally, we (the independent publishers) are on the outside looking in. And the fight has caused both parties to become emotional, shouting statistics and facts that further prove why self-publishing is far more valuable than traditional.

This episode walks through 3 major findings from these trials.

We will return to our normal setup next week.

Books - RSV News originally published at Books - RSV News