Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Refinancing
Lifestyle - RSV News originally published at Lifestyle - RSV News
iQuanti: Debt consolidation and debt refinancing are two methods of repaying your debt. Deciding between the two will depend on what's better for your financial circumstances. Whether you decide on refinancing a loan or debt consolidation, it's important to know the differences between the two. Here's what you need to know about these debt repayment methods.
What is debt consolidation?
Debt consolidation involves combining most or all of your debts into a single large loan. The main purpose of debt consolidation is to simplify your debt repayment. In some cases, the larger loan can have better repayment terms, such as a lower monthly payment and a lower interest rate.
Debt consolidation can make it easier to pay for debts such as credit card debt and student loan debt. You can apply for debt consolidation loans through your credit card company, your bank, or your credit union. If you can't get a debt consolidation loan through these means, you can try getting one through a private lender or a private mortgage company.
The two types of debt consolidation loans are secured and unsecured loans. A secured loan requires you to use one of your assets, such as your car or home, as collateral for the loan. An unsecured loan does not require collateral but is usually more difficult to obtain. Interest rates can also be higher with unsecured loans. Nonetheless, they won't be as high as credit cards with unpaid balances. Make sure you know all the fees that a debt consolidation loan might come with before pursuing it.
What is debt refinancing?
Debt refinancing specifically focuses on finding more favorable repayment conditions by replacing existing debt with new debt. A loan that's refinanced can lower the interest paid on the life of the loan, and may possibly restructure the payment schedule. Your monthly payments can be lowered, allowing you to have more cash to take care of other financial needs. Some people also choose to refinance debt to switch from a fixed-rate debt to a variable-rate debt or vice versa based on the current interest rate environment.
Different types of debt that are refinanced include credit cards, student loans, car loans, consumer loans, and mortgages. Be mindful that when you refinance your debt, the lender will do a hard inquiry on your credit reports, which may negatively impact your credit rating in the short term.
Differences between debt consolidation and debt refinancing
The main difference between debt consolidation and debt refinancing is the number of debts involved. While debt consolidation focuses on combining multiple debts, debt refinancing focuses on negotiating new terms for one existing debt.
Deciding between these two debt repayment options will depend on which option can give you better repayment terms and the lowest interest rate. You may find it favorable to do both, perhaps choosing to consolidate your credit card debt and deciding to refinance your student loan debt. Be sure to carefully analyze your debt repayment options before deciding whether to pursue debt consolidation or debt refinancing.
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Original Source: Debt Consolidation vs. Debt Refinancing
Lifestyle - RSV News originally published at Lifestyle - RSV News