Lifestyle - Reality Syndicate Viewers originally published at Lifestyle - Reality Syndicate Viewers

Foundation for a Drug-Free World holds a “Training the Trainers” workshop in Los Angeles.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World trains officers from the Drug Enforcement Agency in the Philippines on the Truth About Drugs program.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World trains officers from the Drug Enforcement Agency in the Philippines on the Truth About Drugs program.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World's Call to Action calls upon government bodies and educators worldwide to take effective and coordinated actions towards creating a drug-free world.

Foundation for a Drug-Free World’s Call to Action calls upon government bodies and educators worldwide to take effective and coordinated actions towards creating a drug-free world.

Drug experts from around the world shared the importance of drug education during “The Truth About Drugs – Preventive. Informative. Factual. Supporting Youth in Making Healthy Choices” online event.

Drug experts from around the world shared the importance of drug education during “The Truth About Drugs – Preventive. Informative. Factual. Supporting Youth in Making Healthy Choices” online event.

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, June 25, 2022 / — To commemorate the June 26th International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, Foundation for a Drug-Free World held an international online conference entitled “The Truth About Drugs: Preventive. Informative. Factual. Supporting Youth in Making Healthy Choices.”

The Foundation brought together drug prevention experts speaking on why drug education is so important to the future of our children and presented a Call to Action to governments of Earth. Hundreds of educators, parents and community leaders from 30 countries attended.

Over the years, drug abuse among youth has worsen—in the United States, drug use of 8th graders increased 61% between 2016 and 2020, while one-in-eight teenagers reported having abused illicit substance in the last year.

To dramatically increase drug education, Foundation for a Drug-Free World issued a Call to Action to create a world free from drug addiction. This document is based on the “Convention on the Rights of the Child” published by the United Nations on 20 November 1989, whose Article 33 states:

“States Parties shall take all appropriate measures, including legislative, administrative, social and educational measures, to protect children from the illicit use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as defined in the relevant international treaties, and to prevent the use of children in the illicit production and trafficking of such substances.”

This Call to Action calls upon government bodies and educators worldwide to reaffirm their collective commitment to the power of evidence-based prevention initiatives. And it urges individuals and groups to work with Foundation for a Drug-Free World and like-minded organizations of goodwill to develop, adopt, and apply effective teacher and student curricula to implement high quality, factual drug education in our schools and communities as part and parcel of any effective drug prevention strategy.

To embody this Call to Action, speakers, all of them experts in drug education, addressed the vital necessity of prevention and shared their personal experience. Dr. Greg Londot, international education specialist from Phoenix, Arizona, shared his use of The Truth About Drugs Education Package and heart-wrenching stories; Shane Varcoe, Executive Director of Dalgarno Institute—a growing public interest, community coalition focusing on alcohol and other drug issues and their impact on our society—talked about his alcohol and drug education projects across Australia; and John Redman, Executive Director of the Community Alliances for Drug-Free Youth in San Diego—who swears by the Foundation’s Truth About Drugs educational materials—stressed the importance of working together to unite against the drug epidemic.

In concluding the online event, Foundation for a Drug-Free World Executive Director Jessica Hochman said, “We all want to see these changes occur everywhere and we are pledging our unconditional support and assistance to make that happen.”

Foundation for a Drug-Free World has been active in drug prevention for over 15 years. It is proudly sponsored by the Church of Scientology and its members who provide the materials and program free of cost to educators and drug prevention advocates, schools, community groups, law enforcement and governmental institutions worldwide.

The webinar can be viewed on the Drug-Free World Facebook page:

For more information contact the Foundation for a Drug-Free World at [email protected]
Phone: (818) 952-5260

Foundation for a Drug-Free World
+1 818-952-5260
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Lifestyle - Reality Syndicate Viewers originally published at Lifestyle - Reality Syndicate Viewers