Understanding Confidentiality in Psychiatry

Health - Purple Foxy Ladies originally published at Health - Purple Foxy Ladies

Understanding Confidentiality in Psychiatry

iQuanti: If you are seeking treatment from an online psychiatrist or a psychiatrist in Dallas,  it may feel daunting to share your personal experiences and emotions with someone you do not know very well. Privacy is critical to creating a safe environment for honest conversations that lead to an accurate diagnosis. The good news is that mental health professionals have a code of ethics and follow standards that protect client confidentiality.  

Let's look at some common questions regarding confidentiality in psychiatry. 

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)? 

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is a federal law passed in 1996 to establish a national standard for storing and sharing medical data. HIPAA protects sensitive medical information by preventing patient health information from being disclosed without the patient's consent or knowledge. This applies to mental health providers as well. Psychiatrists are legally required to maintain confidentiality about what is discussed with a client during sessions, including the fact that the client is receiving treatment. Providers who break HIPAA confidentiality regulations can be penalized by state licensing boards and even be sued by their clients. 

How do psychiatrists maintain confidentiality? 

When first visiting a psychiatrist, clients usually receive a written notice describing the office's privacy policies and explaining how personal information is stored. There are several ways psychiatrists maintain confidentiality, including: 

Not discussing the contents of therapy with a third party without the explicit permission of the client 

Excluding sensitive client information when leaving professional voicemails or written messages for the client  

Sharing only the minimum information needed with health insurance providers to ensure client coverage for certain medications 

Implementing training programs for employees on accessing and protecting health information 

Not approaching clients if they see them outside of sessions 

Do psychiatrists ever have to break confidentiality? 

There are certain circumstances when a psychiatrist may be required to break confidentiality. In other words, there are times when a psychiatrist would need to share specific information about a client's case without the client's consent. Thesis situations are noted under the HIPAA legislation. Some circumstances are covered by state laws, meaning they can change depending on where the psychiatrist practices. These circumstances can include: 

If a client poses a threat to themself or others 

If there is disclosure about ongoing domestic violence, abuse, or neglect of children, older adults, or people with disabilities 

If there is a court order for medical information, particularly if the client's mental health came into question during legal proceedings 

Trust is a necessary part of an effective psychiatrist and patient relationship. Most psychiatrists are happy to discuss client confidentiality if there are any lingering concerns before starting treatment, so always feel free to ask questions. 

Contact Information:
Keyonda Goosby
Public Relations Specialist
(201) 633-2125

Original Source: Understanding Confidentiality in Psychiatry Understanding Confidentiality in Psychiatry

Health - Purple Foxy Ladies originally published at Health - Purple Foxy Ladies