Qyral Welcomes Mark Carr as Vice President of Sales and Leadership Development

Growing skincare company Qyral hires Mark Carr as Vice President of Sales and Leadership Development. Mark will be helping grow the direct sales program.

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, May 13, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Qyral, a science based skincare company, has hired Mark Carr as the Vice President of Sales and Leadership Development. Mark has over 11 years of experience in network marketing, having worked with Thirty-One Gifts in executive leadership roles. During his time there, he helped take Thirty-One to over 700 million dollars in revenue.

Mark’s role at Qyral will involve building out the network marketing program. He will be leading the team of direct sales consultants by providing them with sequential systematic processes and guiding them through Qyral’s Leadership Development Program. Mark believes that better sales practices can be implemented through education. He feels that relationship building is the key to being successful in direct sales and in life overall.

Mark’s philosophy is, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” He plans to take that mantra and apply it to his new role. “When you build relationships first, you get to know people’s dreams and goals, then you can move them in a direction they never thought possible”, says Mark.

Although Qyral’s direct marketing program is in its infancy, Mark has big plans and has hit the ground running, “Qyral is a new company and right now our focus is to get the word out by teaching consultants about the products and how they work. We want to be able to provide content from a company standpoint so that the consultants can build the relationships that are important to their personal success.”

Qyral’s founder, Hanieh Sigari is excited to have Mark on the team, “I’m thrilled to have him join us and beyond excited about the skill and years of experience he brings to the table. His previous company does product personalization, much like we do at Qyral. It’s a completely different way to customize, but the scope is the same because it caters to the customer. I also think that Mark will do an incredible job developing our consultants into leaders.”

Mark credits a lot of his success to the relationship he has with his family. He is a proud soccer and dance dad to 7 year old Mary Ellen and 6 year old Tristan. His husband, Rex, is a high school teacher, and a successful track and volleyball coach.

“I’d never even uttered the words “cellular turnover” or “bioplacenta” but I’ve been learning a lot about these things and seeing amazing results from the products myself. Once we educate our consultants to teach their customers about the products and build crucial relationships, the possibilities are endless.”

More information about Qyral’s direct sales program is on our website at qyral.com.


Hanieh Sigari
Qyral, LLC
+1 855-496-0655
email us here

Article originally published at https://www.einpresswire.com/article/572287216/qyral-welcomes-mark-carr-as-vice-president-of-sales-and-leadership-development