Balancing Time Between Children & Aging Parents

Beauty - Trend Magazine originally published at Beauty - Trend Magazine

Pets are a huge part of some seniors lives. The senior may need help remebering to feed and water the pets.

Man on bathroom floor calling for help from is senior home health care aid

Senior fell in bathroom and lays on floor waiting for help.

Comfort Keepers provides in-home caregivers to the Marritta , OH area.

Senior holding hands with a caregiver

In-home care workers at Comfort Keepers help clients maintain their spirits with professional in-home caregiving

In-home care workers at Comfort Keepers help clients maintain their spirits with professional in-home caregiving

It is a balancing act, between caring for your children and aging parents while maintaining a work schedule. There is an easier and most likely better way.

Taking care of a loved one can be a strenuous task. We take the time so you can make memories with family and loved ones.”

— Joanie Yeomans

MARIETTA, OH, UNITED STATES, June 19, 2022 / — Most people do not understand the difficulties of taking care of children and aging parents, or other adults, while simultaneously providing quality in-home care. Balancing these two different in-home care tasks while holding together a household or holding down a job increases the need for the caregiver to receive respite care. Without time to unwind and relax a caregiver can experience burnout, making it hard for them to provide quality compassionate care and attention to their charge’s needs.

Caring for children, aging parents or other adults is demanding and can be stressful. The pressures of competing demands and needs require a caregiver to plan and prioritize who gets what and when. Without training and experience, the caregiver can feel squeezed between the senior with care needs and their children and other people whom they care for or love. Situations where caregivers are caught between demanding loved ones require rethinking how to prioritize and balance the caregiver’s duties without upsetting a senior or the children.

Joanie Yeomans an owner of Comfort Keepers in the mid-Ohio Valley and Marrietta area, is an expert in working with caregivers and clients that need care. Yeomans time and experience working in the in-home care field allows her to share valuable lessons/insight with newer caregivers or even experienced caregiver veterans.

1. Divide family responsibilities amongst the able-bodied adults and children.

Teaching children about responsibilities is normal for most parents. Teaching children about their grandparents or other elderly people provides insight into the elderly past lives. What was the grandparents’ family like? What difficulties did Grandmom and Pop have while starting their family? How did they meet? If teenaged children are in the home have them help provide meals to the family’s loved one. Most children, teenagers, and young adults play board games. So do Seniors. Offer to have the children play something easy like checkers or cards with the adults. While playing with children the senior or other loved one can share stories about their life and the family in general. While children are bonding with the grandparent or senior; they are getting to know more about each other. At this point, the caregiver can take time for him or herself. Non-professional caregivers or family members can face extreme burnout when caring for someone else. The point is to have the caregiver to take time to care for themselves while caring for others.

2. Choose wisely

Family peace is an excellent goal. Unfortunately eclipsing that goal may cause the caregiver angst, as some loved ones or clients are less demanding than others. Yet the less demanding person may be the person with the greatest need. Young children may need to be fed dinner while another may need to be changed. The young child may be screaming to eat while the adult needs clean bedding or help in the bathroom. Having resources for these circumstances will help. Both the younger child and the older adult need to feel important, loved, and cared for. Time is not on the side of caregivers with other family members at home.

3. Work scheduling changes may be needed

Non-professional caregivers that also work outside of caregiving must keep their number of hours flexible so that they can work the hours where they can be most effective while earning their remuneration or pay. The average family caregiver spends 24 hours a week caring for others, not including parenting. Before becoming a caretaker, decide what adjustments are acceptable. With telecommuting, work-at-home arrangements. flexible schedules and family leave there may be options that can help.

4. Family-based help

If there is a need for the caregiver to get some rest. A respite care plan can help. This is the plan that tells the caregiver when they get time to conduct business and life needs. Can a spouse go to the post office or drug rather than the caregiver? If so let them. Reorganizing roles in the home to assist the caregiver is vital. Hold family meetings to plan who has what responsibilities. Hold regular family gatherings to enhance and change who has what responsibilities. Everyone in the family will respect and enjoy knowing who is doing what and when they are doing it. Organization and planning will provide new perspectives and make everyone feel like a valued family member.

Caring for adults and children at the same time is hardly a task for the faint of heart. We all do the best that we can, so get the help that is needed, and make sure that someone plans to care for the caregiver.

Comfort Keepers is here to help:

Comfort Keepers can provide respite care, which is the transfer of primary caregiving tasks to another individual, often a professional caregiver, to relieve primary caregivers. Trust that a Comfort Keepers® caregiver will treat a family member or loved one with exacting capable hands. Custom care plans are designed to engage clients in intellectual, physical, and emotional activities. Comfort Keepers of Mid-Ohio-Valley (Marrietta) provide any loved one with care management while, working with family, doctors, other agencies, etc. Call (740) 373-7125 to learn about our in-home care and respite services.

Joanie Yeomans
Comfort Keepers of the Mid-Ohio Valley
+1 740-373-7125
[email protected]

Article originally published at

Beauty - Trend Magazine originally published at Beauty - Trend Magazine